Friday 31 December 2010


Salam Everyone, we are wishing that you and your family are well, prosperous, healthy, happy and 2011 will be the best year you’ve ever had and that each New Year will be better than the last. May you and your family realise your fondest dreams and take time to recognise and enjoy each and every blessing. Happy New Year 2011 Everyone !!! Hope you've had a wonderful new year day.

With our love,
Roemnasih Generation.

Happy New Year Wish

By Betty Brooks

Our Happy New Year wish for everyone.
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.
A year in which you cherish
The past year’s so loved,
so missed,
so precious in memories.

In the New Year,
we wish you the best year you’ve ever had,
and that each New Year
will be better than the last.
May you realise your fondest dreams
and take time to recognise and enjoy
each and every blessing.

Happy New Year to everyone
And when the new year’s done,
May this new year find you
healthier and happier,
peaceful, content, satisfied,
looking forward
to fresh, revitalizing interests,
a variety of pleasures,
interesting new people,
material and personal successes
to make this new year
the best one yet.

Happy New Year Everyone !!!

Friday 1 October 2010

The Second Anniversary Of Our Grandma lovely (Pauline Brooks) Passing Away

So loved, so missed, so precious in memory. Sharing Our sadness today.

In memory of the second anniversary of our lovely Grandma (Pauline Brooks) passing away.

Could you please make do'a (prayer) for her. Thank you very much. It's greatly appreciated.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Anniversary Poem 2010

My husband Amir wrote on 3 August at 21:58 in Facebook regarding our anniversary.

When years are passing by like days,
and in my hand your hand is placed,
a knowing smile crosses your face,
a simple touch can still make my heart race.

When I can see my soul in your eyes,
and you see your soul in mine we realize,
that a love so deep can harbor no lies,
where our only tears shed were happy tears we've cried.

I love you as much now as I ever did before,
if possible, I may even love you more,
all starting from a feeling we did not ignore,
a feeling of connection we chose to explore.

I don't know what it is that you saw in me,
what I saw in you was the utmost happiness that can ever be,
even more so on the day when you and I became "We",
I can still smile and say with love and truth...

Honey, I love you...Happy Anniversary.

03 August at 21:58 · · · See Wall-to-Wall